Empowering Quotes from President Barack Obama’s Farewell Speech For Everyday Situations.

I know I wasn’t the only one sobbing couple a of nights ago while watching POTUS’s farewell speech. Although his speech was a reel of his accomplishments he didn’t shy away from discussing the obstacles he faced while in office.  Regardless of your political standpoint there were a lot of takeaways from his speech that can be used for everyday life situations. Check it out.

When you’re complaining about the youth not respecting their elders but you won’t get involved in your community or mentorship programs.

“Change only happens when ordinary people get involved, get engaged, and come together to demand it.”


When your business plan fails and you’re ready to give up at your first attempt.

For every two steps forward, it often feels we take one step back. But the long sweep of America has been defined by forward motion, a constant widening of our founding creed to embrace all, and not just some.


When you’re tired of internet trolls.

“If you’re tired of arguing with strangers on the internet, try to talk with one in real life.


When you’re judging your aunty’s fucked up husband.

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it


When you’re aware that nobody got your back more than your ride or die.

“Every day, I learned from you. You made me a better President, and you made me a better man.”


On The Rise: Shanice Parker

image1Right after graduating from college, Shanice Parker did what most college graduates do; apply to jobs. When the responses she was expecting did not take place, she used the skill set she had acquired from school and internships and created her own company, Billz Production. Since launching her brand in 2014, Shanice has produced video content with Reality TV- Star, Yandy Smith, MMG Artist Gun Play, GOOD MUSIC artist Designer, and countless others. Let’s find out more about Shanice.

1. Where were you 6 months after college?

Six months after college I was unemployed! I was having the hardest time finding a job. I had my mind set on one thing and that was landing a job with a production company. I already had experience in work environments that I knew I did not want to revisit so it was important to me that I had found a job that made me happy. After countless amounts of job applications followed by no response I decided I would create my own path and created my own production company 10 months after I had graduated.

2. When did you realize that you wanted to go into  production?

I realized I wanted to get into production after recognizing that every time I listened to a song I would visualize a whole music video. Location, colors, even down to how scene should be cut to. I didn’t even realize that was something only I was doing. I finally asked my friend do they see a video when they listen to a song and when they replied no, I recognized this was a talent that I was blessed with. I was always a creative person and I knew production would give me that freedom to produce creative visuals.

 3. You are a serial entrepreneur, how do you stay on top of things image2while  managing your personal life?

Whenever I need time to myself I give myself time. As an entrepreneur you have to remind yourself that you’re doing a great job and you need time for mental relaxation. I just had to come to an understanding that I do things my way and I won’t conform to what people expect me to be doing with my time. As an entrepreneur in this generation if you’re not posting that you’re working it’s as if you’re not working at all and if you post that you’re working people expect you to take a break. My advice to any entrepreneur reading this is to do what makes you happy but to remember you always come first!

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As I stepped out the train platform early Tuesday morning, I came across a group of singers sponsored by the MTA- Music Under NYC . Unlike other days where I am maneuvering NYC subway traffic during rush hours, this time I found myself glued to the platform as the group sang  Lean on Me by Bill Withers.

My reaction caught me off guard as tears started to fall down my face partially ruining my makeup. Where was this coming from?  Why the sudden tears?…I was being reminded of how far I came as an individual, how far I came to accept that “failure” is not the end of it all but a lesson and that life is a roller coaster. You see this girl couple of years ago,when faced with life hurdles would keep to herself and handle business as usual. I had the tendency of blocking whatever was going on in my life and putting on this poker face. It was natural and easy to deal with and plus I was never fond of having people in my ” Business”.  I always figured that people had their own things to deal with , why would they want to hear mine? But, when you have a circle of people who LOVES you, they notice unusual patterns, such as being MIA or even the little things like your smile.

Life planMy lack of disappearance from social events, became a red flag to my friends and family and they quickly reached out. It was then I realized that I can’t go through life alone. What was I stressing about ” Life” It wasn’t going how I planned it to be ( Bratty Nat)  I wasn’t satisfied with my job amongst other things. However, even though I complained I managed to  be grateful for the things that were going well.

So as the group sang “Lean on Me” it was a reminder of where I was a year ago and how I managed to push through. If you are out there and you are having a hard time I pray for you.I pray for every twenty somethings trying to figure “life”out; just remember you’re not alone. Just learn to embrace your journey, because later you will realize that it was all part of the process.

Put aside comparing yourself from others virtual prosperity and focus on your goals. All that I ask of you is that you find someone you can lean on, a friend a family member, if anything you should always lean on the word of the Lord for comfort. At the end of the day, we aren’t meant to fight our battles ourselves, reach out to someone.

Love Always.

Nathalie C.